Salary criterion highly skilled migrant 2022
A highly skilled migrant (also called a knowledge migrant or kennismigrant) is defined by age and salary. The salary criterion for a highly skilled migrant

Covid-19 tax consequences
If you are an Expat working for a Dutch employer, but have been working remote from another country in 2020 this may have consequences for

Coronavirus (COVID-19): effects on application or stay
The corona crisis affects the way the IND (Immigration an Naturalisation Service) works. And perhaps also your personal situation. This may have consequences for your

UK: April 2021 changes to off-payroll working for clients
Off-payroll working rules change on 6 April 2021 and are applied differently. From this date, all public authorities and medium and large sized clients in

Living in The Netherlands after Brexit
On 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) left the European Union (EU) with a deal. The agreements made are set out in the Withdrawal Agreement.